P-06-1287 Investigate C&V UHB’s refusal to keep north Penarth’s surgery, allocating patients to distant GPs


This petition was submitted by Max Scott-Cook, having collected 266 signatures online and 82 on paper, making for a total of 348 signatures collected.


Text of Petition:                      

We call to account UHB officials and politicians colluding with closure of Albert Rd surgery (north Penarth), allocating patients to Sully and Dinas Powys, and grossly overloading Stanwell surgery (Penarth Healthcare). We believe the local MS Vaughan Gething knew of the plan and he could have highlighted the concerns to the relevant Ministers and commissioners for Older Persons, Children and Future Generations, to uphold the principle of healthcare services close to home. The system has failed us.


Additional Information:

C&V UHB rejected buying the Albert Rd premises when warned, years ago, the GP’s lease was due to expire. Their plan to instead provide new premises far away in Cogan was publicly rejected. It failed their principle of health services close to home.

Successive UHB designs for a Wellbeing Hub at Cogan ignored the poor accessibility. Their choice of site discriminated against the elderly and mobility limited persons. While declining to help Albert Rd continue, the UHB offered funds to GPs in Sully, Penarth and Dinas Powys to expand to take the 7000 patients. The UHB did not consult on this plan. The overload at Stanwell (Penarth Health Care) surgery has worsened the standard of care. We believe that there are only 7 GPs for 17 000 patients. The UHB pursuit of (newbuild) premises in the wrong place is at fault.

They could still recognise their error and buy the Albert Surgery from the property developer.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Cardiff South and Penarth

·         South Wales Central